Zlato je zopet postavilo rekord vseh časov v dolarjih, včeraj je med trgovanjem doseglo 1094,90$ za unčo.
Trenutno je primeren čas, da zlato ne prodajate ker je prebilo zgornjo odporno mejo in bo njegova cena nekaj časa samo še naraščala, sedaj je čas za nakup.
Srebro, je na tem, da kmalu prebije zgornjo odporno linijo pri 18$ za unčo , kupite ga takoj preden se zgodi izstrelitev v nebesne višave.
New all time highs for the
GOLD PRICE today: Comex gold closed $1,086.70, up $2.40; intraday high was $1,097.65, and traded much higher than Comex in the aftermarket, now $1094.90. Buy it. It has broken out. There is a time to hold, a time to fold, and a time to go all in. This is one of those times. To go all in, I mean.
silver price is the only fly in this sweet-smelling ointment. It is advancing well, faster than gold, but needs to clear $18.00 and run to confirm gold's move. Buy it, before time and the market leave you behind.
SILVER and GOLD PRICES are now launching the wildest and wooliest advance of the primary uptrend. Whooooo. It will suck the breath right out of your body, just to watch.